Senin, 01 September 2014

6 benefits of seaweed for your healthly


As the name implies, seaweed plant the grass is indeed grown in sea water. Most seaweed, processed into a jelly or blended with fruit ice
Not just the texture of chewy and delicious, the seaweed known as foodstuffs rich in nutrients.
According to, the seaweed also has the following health benefits,

1. digestive and Heart Health
Because most of the content on the seaweed fiber is very nice, this launch of substance digestion settles in the intestines and can lower cholesterol. It could then maintain heart health and prevent the body from cardiovascular disease.

Folate is contained in seaweed can also prevent the buildup of homosistein to avoid heart disease. Seaweed also contain a lot of protein that will keep the stomach full for longer, so it is good to eat when on a diet.

2. helps regulate hormones
Vitamin K in seaweed help adrenal glands functioning properly so that it can balance the hormones. Some types of seaweed wakame, kombu, nori and bladderwrack contain more vitamin K which is very good for consumption.

3. increase fertility
Because seaweed contains many essential nutrients, these plants are also very good support fertility of women and men. Essential elements such as iodine, zinc, selenium and magnesium is high in seaweed can increase fertility rates.

4. improve the function of the tyroid
If you experience problems such as hypothyroidism, tyroid difficult to lose weight and so forth, then the seaweed can help your problem. This is because seaweed contains high iodine and selenium can help to balance and regulate thyroid function.

5. Resolve skin diseases
Seaweed is also a rich source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, which help in reducing inflammation and protecting the surface of the skin. a lot of body and skin care products made of seaweed as the main ingredient. Even the seaweed can relieve allergies treat sensitive skin, eczema and various skin diseases such as rocasea.

6. Help cure cancer
Sea plants also contain compounds called fucoidans, which has been clinically proven as a killer of cancer cells without killing the cell body are normal and healthy. Besides, polysaccharides and fucoidans can help strengthen the immune system.

This ultimately prevents the growth of cancer cells. In addition, the phytoesterogen in the seaweed also helps minimize the likelihood of breast cancer by blocking the formation of estrogen overload.

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