Selasa, 23 September 2014

Benefits of White Tea

This type of tea is increasingly growing. One of the latest is the white tea. As reported by from, historically white tea originated from the Fukein Province in China. This tea comes from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. This tea called white tea for when brewed produces pale yellow color.

In addition, white tea is included in the premium type of tea and one of the most expensive tea in the world. White tea is produced from the cause of young shoots and yet be tea leaves. These shoots are then dried in a special way. "Because of the raw material is limited, it is not surprising that the precious white tea is fantastic," said tea experts from India, Dharini Krishnan.

"White tea has a high flavonoid content in it. antioxidant substances is beneficial to enhancing the health of blood vessels that can further help maintain heart health. Consuming white tea is also good in controlling your weight, "she explained. "Even China and Japan often consuming white tea in place of water consumption in white to assist in menghidrasi the body."

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