Senin, 01 September 2014

cardamom is helpful for married couples

cardamom (Amomum cardamomum) has been known since the antiquity of Greece, Greece by the person called by the name cardamomom. However by the Romans Latinized the name later became cardamomum. In the United Kingdom came to be called with the cardamom mountains.

cardamom is helpful for married couples who have problems making love, because cardamom also have efficacy as a generator of sexual arousal. Because of the nature of an aphrodisiac that is owned by the cardamom crop this so that it can be used to cure impotence and premature ejaculation for men.

for a woman who had stepped on the menopause, once exposed to prone to osteoporosis. If you've experienced it, don't fret and scared. you only need to consume herbal drugs or drug containing the medicine the cardamom is to add essential substances, such as manganese, which desperately needed bone.

Other properties owned by the cardamom, are among others also can increase the immunity of the body. Substances contained in cardamom be able to fight off bad bacteria that exist in the body which is very damaging to the immune system. With cardamom be regularly consumed, pantogen in the body can also be reduced

cardamom is also very good for helping to produce the liquid bile. In addition, the nature of deuretik are very important to help maintain kidney health. And according to research there is cardamom also serves to combat other diseases of the urinary tract, such as cystitis and nephritis.

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