Kamis, 11 September 2014

9 Healthy Benefits of Onions.

Benefits of Onions.
Benefits of Onions.

As part of the seasoning, onion into a spice that can not be eliminated. In addition to the garlic and shallots, onion Chutney is also very popular for seasoning dishes even light snacks.

own onions are rich in vitamins A, B, and c. the mineral, onions are also high calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, chromium, iron, and folic acid. So here are the healthy benefits of eating onions.

Chewing onions can nourish your heart for the onion itself serves as a good anti-coagulant. This substance helps prevent hardening of the arteries and lower levels of homosistein that caused the problem in the heart.

Anti inflammatory
Anti-inflammatory properties in onions is useful for treating infections caused by the bacteria e. coli and salmonella. So that the onions are also useful for treating diseases of the urinary tract infection.

Anti allergy
Quercetin is an antihistamine substances in onion which is helpful for treating allergies. Compared to other substances, quercetin is more easily absorbed in the body.

Relieve respiratory disorders
Colds and cough is a disease that is easily treated with onions. Because natural substances in it are able to expel mucus in breathing.

Prevent osteoporosis
The content of calcium in onions is beneficial for preventing bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis.

Keep your oral health
Tooth decay and infections in the mouth caused by a buildup of bacteria in it. While chewing onions helps you in maintaining oral health.

Reduce diabetes
The content of chromium in onions help lower insulin levels in diabetics and improve glucose tolerance.

Relieve ear pain
If you're suffering from ear pain, onions you can use as a natural remedy. The trick is to apply SAP onions in your ears.

Lowering the body temperature
The air is hot and can increase body temperature. According to traditional treatment India, this disorder can You redakan by applying SAP onions under the soles of your feet.

It turns out behind its benefits for melezatkan foods, onions are able to improve the overall health of your body. Therefore always provide onions in your home.

source boldsky.com,

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