Selasa, 23 September 2014

Benefits of White Tea

This type of tea is increasingly growing. One of the latest is the white tea. As reported by from, historically white tea originated from the Fukein Province in China. This tea comes from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. This tea called white tea for when brewed produces pale yellow color.

In addition, white tea is included in the premium type of tea and one of the most expensive tea in the world. White tea is produced from the cause of young shoots and yet be tea leaves. These shoots are then dried in a special way. "Because of the raw material is limited, it is not surprising that the precious white tea is fantastic," said tea experts from India, Dharini Krishnan.

"White tea has a high flavonoid content in it. antioxidant substances is beneficial to enhancing the health of blood vessels that can further help maintain heart health. Consuming white tea is also good in controlling your weight, "she explained. "Even China and Japan often consuming white tea in place of water consumption in white to assist in menghidrasi the body."

Kamis, 11 September 2014

Onions Are High In Vitamins And Antioxidants

Onions are often used as a flavouring different dishes, but many also did not like the taste of this big onion. Pieces onions that often adorn the cuisine, removed to the edge of the plate and then discarded. In addition to used as a flavoring dishes turned out to be quite a good content of its nutrition value lho.

A study on antibacterial activity and Spain found the antioxidant ability of onions, onions to inhibit spoilage bacteria and also because of its ability to prevent the ingredients from the ravages of oxidation. Natural compounds in onions, believed to be used by the industry to replace synthetic preservatives that are made from chemicals.

Talk about antioxidants, layer by layer onions, especially in successive layers are very rich in quercetin, a flavonoid type compounds which have strong antioxidant ability. The excess is excellent for maintaining healthy body and also your beauty. Many cells of the body that need to be protected from damage due to oxidation.

In addition, note that the onions are high in fiber, high in vitamin C and vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is important for the production of enzymes in the body, and for you who have been suffering from asthma, diabetes mellitus, and also had heart disease, these vitamins are very important.

Some research has also shown that quercetin is good for heart disease, cancer, the performance of athletes and also can relieve allergy symptoms. However, further research is needed to find out what allergies is inhibited by onion.

9 Healthy Benefits of Onions.

Benefits of Onions.
Benefits of Onions.

As part of the seasoning, onion into a spice that can not be eliminated. In addition to the garlic and shallots, onion Chutney is also very popular for seasoning dishes even light snacks.

own onions are rich in vitamins A, B, and c. the mineral, onions are also high calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, chromium, iron, and folic acid. So here are the healthy benefits of eating onions.

Chewing onions can nourish your heart for the onion itself serves as a good anti-coagulant. This substance helps prevent hardening of the arteries and lower levels of homosistein that caused the problem in the heart.

Anti inflammatory
Anti-inflammatory properties in onions is useful for treating infections caused by the bacteria e. coli and salmonella. So that the onions are also useful for treating diseases of the urinary tract infection.

Anti allergy
Quercetin is an antihistamine substances in onion which is helpful for treating allergies. Compared to other substances, quercetin is more easily absorbed in the body.

Relieve respiratory disorders
Colds and cough is a disease that is easily treated with onions. Because natural substances in it are able to expel mucus in breathing.

Prevent osteoporosis
The content of calcium in onions is beneficial for preventing bone loss that can lead to osteoporosis.

Keep your oral health
Tooth decay and infections in the mouth caused by a buildup of bacteria in it. While chewing onions helps you in maintaining oral health.

Reduce diabetes
The content of chromium in onions help lower insulin levels in diabetics and improve glucose tolerance.

Relieve ear pain
If you're suffering from ear pain, onions you can use as a natural remedy. The trick is to apply SAP onions in your ears.

Lowering the body temperature
The air is hot and can increase body temperature. According to traditional treatment India, this disorder can You redakan by applying SAP onions under the soles of your feet.

It turns out behind its benefits for melezatkan foods, onions are able to improve the overall health of your body. Therefore always provide onions in your home.


Selasa, 02 September 2014

Tips Natural Weight Loss With Herbs

How To Achieve Natural Weight Loss With Herbs
How To Achieve Natural Weight Loss With Herbs
Natural weight loss with herbs can happen if you know which ones can work and are safe for you. They can be a safe alternative if you educate yourself on how they work and how they interact with your body. Don't expect every herbal weight loss product to be safe for you. While there are many which will safely help your body lose weight, there are others which could be very harmful for you, even though they might be safe for some other people.

Here are some herbs that are considered safe and effective in weight loss used correctly.

-Alfalfa works as a diuretic and has ingredients in that helps make fat more soluble and helps your blood vessels stay healthier.

-Chickweed helps in the breakdown of fat molecules. Use this with burdock root which will help remove the fat molecules and purify the blood.

- Cayenne pepper has capsaicin helps with blood circulation and digestion. It works by increasing your core body temperature affecting your bodies metabolism, helping it to rise. This helps with weight loss.

- Dandelion Root works in the liver by helping clean the body of toxins and makes your body metabolize fat better.

- Fennel Seed increases your energy level and helps to reduce hunger. Use with nettle in a tea to help in weight loss. *Be very careful to not go over the recommended amount of fennel seed because in large doses it can be toxic. Check with your doctor to find out how much fennel is a healthy amount to ingest.

-Flax Seed is a great source of fiver and protein. It has a lot of phytonutrients and vitamins and is one of the best aids in getting a healthier body. It can help curb your appetite if taken 20-30 minutes prior to your meals. It is a bulk laxative so be prepared for the results.

-Green Tea is a very popular product that helps the metabolism of fat and raises your level of energy working much like caffeine in giving you more energy.

-Hawthorn Berry helps get rid of food that has trouble digesting in your stomach, helps the adrenal glands by stimulating them, and improves the thyroid. *Be sure that you check with your doctor when using this because if you have a thyroid condition or are taking medication for your thyroid, hawthorn can have an adverse effect.

There are many other herbs that people have had success with when trying to lose weight. Before trying any of these, make sure you talk to your doctor and/or an herbalist looking at how it might affect you and react with medications or other supplements you might be taking. It is tempting to find everything in pill form. While this might be convenient, the best way to achieve natural weight loss with herbs is to find fresh or whole dried herbs and use them as much as possible.

Is Herbal Weight Loss Safe ??

If you are looking for that "magic pill" that will bring about weight loss you may have looked into herbal weight loss pills that boast a "safe and natural" way to lose weight. Are those ways safe?

For many people, there is an automatic assumption that just because something is natural that it is safe. Snake venom occurs naturally, but I wouldn't suggest ingesting that. Peanuts are natural and good for most people, but for some it can bring about a severe allergic reaction requiring quick medical attention. Just because something boasts being "natural" doesn't mean that it is particularly safe. Even if it is safe for some people doesn't mean that it is safe for you.

What does this have to do with herbal weight loss?

Herbal products used for weight loss use a variety of ways which are supposed to help in losing weight. Most of these weight loss products that are considered herbal will either trick your brain into thinking you are full. Many more will use thermogenics to help speed up your metabolism.

What are some of the herbs used for weight loss that need to be avoided?

First, anything that is an herbal laxative should be avoided. Buck-thorn, cascara, rhubarb root, and senna are some of the ones you will see most often. The danger in using a laxative to lose weight is that it can bring about dehydration, constant cramping and diarrhea. It may also cause the muscles used to control bowel movements can become weakened to the point that you are no longer able to control them. You also stand a chance of becoming addicted to taking laxatives and you risk becoming bulimic.

Ephedra, also known as ma-huang, is probably the ingredient to look out for most. There is a related product known as herbal phen-phen (or fen-fen) that has ephedra as the main ingredient. This is known to raise blood pressure and increase your heart rate. It can also really mess with your central nervous system causing over stimulation. Some of the side-effects of ephedra or ma huang are seizures, stroke, heart palpitations, or heart attack. There are deaths that have been connected with the use of ephedra.

So what herbal products are there that are safe and can help in effective weight loss?

Three main ones are cayenne, green tea, and seaweed. Cayenne has capsaicin in it which safely helps stimulate digestion and helps increase your metabolism. Green tea is a safe stimulant that also gives you a healthy dose of vitamin C. Seaweed stimulates the thyroid which helps in weight loss. Do make sure that you check with your doctor if you have thyroid problems or are on thyroid medications before using it.

There are many other herbal weight loss products that are safe, but there are also many others which aren't. Just like the peanut, there may be some that are healthy for some people, but are dangerous to others. No matter which one you use, check with your doctor first to make sure that it is safe for you.

Weight Loss And Healthy Eating Plans

Weight Loss And Healthy Eating Plans
Weight Loss And Healthy Eating Plans

Whether you've been on and off diets all your life or it's your first try, you've probably gotten far enough to know that weight loss and healthy eating plans are directly related. But our society sure doesn't make it easy. Fast food and enormous portions are a part of how many of us grew up. What makes matters even more complicated is the abundance of fad and miracle diets that promise what you want to hear but just don't work. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you're going to have to do it the boring way with eating right and exercise.

If you are overweight, losing those extra pounds not only makes you look and feel better, it contributes to your overall health. People who are not overweight are less at risk for serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes.

First of all, a word or two on fad diets: these all sound exciting when you first hear them and their supposed features usually include "over-night weight loss" and "no need to exercise" or similar claims. But these types of diets don't work precisely because they are impossible to maintain. They often restrict certain food groups that should be part of a healthy diet. When your body doesn't get these foods, it goes into deprivation mode and creates imbalances. What happens with fad diets is that you lose a few pounds right away pretty quickly. But it won't take too long before you plateau and eventually even start to gain the weight back.

Weight loss and healthy eating plans go hand in hand. It's all about maintaining correct (but not severe) eating habits so that an occasional splurge won’t set you back at step one. Diets that are too severe make you want the bad stuff even more so it's harder to stick with them. There are some healthy weight loss plans that do work.

These usually incorporate the mindset that weight loss is not some temporary fix but instead, a newer and better way of eating which you will adhere to permanently. They also promote some sort of support or buddy system which encourages you and holds you accountable. Good plans also allow for flexibility and individuality - everyone is different and it might take you a while to figure out exactly what works best for you.

Until then, commit to a plan and stick to it. Another important criteria for good weight loss program is that it emphasizes that losing weight slowly is the way to go. Losing weight too fast can lead to you gaining it back (and then some) even faster. It also does a number on your nervous system which can make you feel sluggish and ill. While short-term goals are good incentives, make sure that they fit within the losing weight slowly scheme of things. These are all contributors to weight loss and healthy bodies.

Senin, 01 September 2014

6 benefits of seaweed for your healthly


As the name implies, seaweed plant the grass is indeed grown in sea water. Most seaweed, processed into a jelly or blended with fruit ice
Not just the texture of chewy and delicious, the seaweed known as foodstuffs rich in nutrients.
According to, the seaweed also has the following health benefits,

1. digestive and Heart Health
Because most of the content on the seaweed fiber is very nice, this launch of substance digestion settles in the intestines and can lower cholesterol. It could then maintain heart health and prevent the body from cardiovascular disease.

Folate is contained in seaweed can also prevent the buildup of homosistein to avoid heart disease. Seaweed also contain a lot of protein that will keep the stomach full for longer, so it is good to eat when on a diet.

2. helps regulate hormones
Vitamin K in seaweed help adrenal glands functioning properly so that it can balance the hormones. Some types of seaweed wakame, kombu, nori and bladderwrack contain more vitamin K which is very good for consumption.

3. increase fertility
Because seaweed contains many essential nutrients, these plants are also very good support fertility of women and men. Essential elements such as iodine, zinc, selenium and magnesium is high in seaweed can increase fertility rates.

4. improve the function of the tyroid
If you experience problems such as hypothyroidism, tyroid difficult to lose weight and so forth, then the seaweed can help your problem. This is because seaweed contains high iodine and selenium can help to balance and regulate thyroid function.

5. Resolve skin diseases
Seaweed is also a rich source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, which help in reducing inflammation and protecting the surface of the skin. a lot of body and skin care products made of seaweed as the main ingredient. Even the seaweed can relieve allergies treat sensitive skin, eczema and various skin diseases such as rocasea.

6. Help cure cancer
Sea plants also contain compounds called fucoidans, which has been clinically proven as a killer of cancer cells without killing the cell body are normal and healthy. Besides, polysaccharides and fucoidans can help strengthen the immune system.

This ultimately prevents the growth of cancer cells. In addition, the phytoesterogen in the seaweed also helps minimize the likelihood of breast cancer by blocking the formation of estrogen overload.

cardamom is helpful for married couples

cardamom (Amomum cardamomum) has been known since the antiquity of Greece, Greece by the person called by the name cardamomom. However by the Romans Latinized the name later became cardamomum. In the United Kingdom came to be called with the cardamom mountains.

cardamom is helpful for married couples who have problems making love, because cardamom also have efficacy as a generator of sexual arousal. Because of the nature of an aphrodisiac that is owned by the cardamom crop this so that it can be used to cure impotence and premature ejaculation for men.

for a woman who had stepped on the menopause, once exposed to prone to osteoporosis. If you've experienced it, don't fret and scared. you only need to consume herbal drugs or drug containing the medicine the cardamom is to add essential substances, such as manganese, which desperately needed bone.

Other properties owned by the cardamom, are among others also can increase the immunity of the body. Substances contained in cardamom be able to fight off bad bacteria that exist in the body which is very damaging to the immune system. With cardamom be regularly consumed, pantogen in the body can also be reduced

cardamom is also very good for helping to produce the liquid bile. In addition, the nature of deuretik are very important to help maintain kidney health. And according to research there is cardamom also serves to combat other diseases of the urinary tract, such as cystitis and nephritis.